Fikac of torma house
FIkac is great almost 2 years old male Rottweiler .
He is 66,67 cm tall and 56,57 kg weight .
Junior champion of Serbia
Hips and Elbows result are great “HD free ED free “as genetic health test JLPP NN.
Fikac mother is most titled and showed female in Serbia 2018,2019. Her name is Josephina of Torma House.
Her picture is bellow.
Josephina is great producer.
Fakac fater is Duncan son of Eminem VH Edelsteain.
Fanto Saetta Negri Rott
Fandjo is tree years old male.
Ideal sized male 65 cm 54 kg Rottweiler beautiful markings.
HD free ED free .
Fandjo is nice temperament Rottweiler.
Fandjo was at my place on training His owner gave him up.
His father is a famous dog world champion Negro Saetta Negri Rott.