Fandjo of torma house

best Serbian Rottweiler in USA
best show quality serbian rottweiler torma house kennel

Fandjo is great almost 2 years old male Rottweiler . 
He is 64,65 cm tall and 52,54 kg weight .
Hips and Elbows result are great “HD free ED B “.

Fikac mother is most titled and showed female in Serbia 2018,2019. Her name is Josephina of Torma House.
Her picture is bellow.
Josephina is great producer. 
Fakac fater is Duncan son of Eminem VH Edelsteain.

Best American Rottweiler kennel ..Torma House


Fandjo of torma house

best show quality serbian rottweiler torma house kennel

Fandjo’s show records..

He won on three international shows in junior calsses. On two shows, he won “best young dog.” For every show, we have photos or video proof.
It’s important to know that Fandjo won under three different judges.

Fandjo is hard worker dog, very high ball and food drive.
In winter season he run six to nine km distance, in summer time three to four plus hour of swimming.

He is also excellent presentation  dog and in top show condition.

best Serbian Rottweiler in USA
Fandjo of TOrma House

Something about Fandjo

Fandjo is great almost 2 years old male Rottweiler .

He is 64,65 cm tall and 52,54 kg weight .
Hips and Elbows result are great “HD free ED B “.

Best American Rottweiler kennel ..Torma House

Fandjo’s mother is most titled and showed female in Serbia 2018,2019. Her name is Josephina of Torma House.
Josephina is great producer. 
Fandjo fater is Duncan son of Eminem VH Edelsteain.

best american import rottweiler stud male
Best Rottweiler stud Serbian male
best serbian rottweiler stud male
besst stud serbian rottweiler male


Rottweiler Handbook

Best Rottweiler book
The Rottweiler Handbook

Explanation of The Rottweiler Handbook
Briefly through 145 pages, an explanation of whether we are ready to have a dog as Rottweiler is , the needs of this beautiful and very strong breed.
Meet Rottweiler’s as puppie and way how to pick best puppie for you.

Properly managing the puppie’s age and adjusted socialization will make it easier for you and your dog to start with training .

Standard and explanation of it ,in addition to anatomy, is something without we can’t imagine to start correctly and right breeding,training, and competition .
Very variety of training techniques and solutions for possible problems during the training process you will find in this handbook.

Helper as one of crucial thing in training and later on shows , what is purpose of a helper and how much his work is important for dog presentation you will find in chapters about training .
Show, show time coming, and finally we must show our dog in best way what we can , what shows means for us, and how we need to behave during dog presentation .

In the end , we all know how the process of buying dogs going through the internet and how much we as buyers are limited to getting dog’s information .
We only see what we see on dog’s photos,” previously Photoshop ”.
What is really truth and how really look like a dog for which we are very interesting , and how we must manage our searching and getting real information about the dog , read in Rottweiler handbook.


Drage Vukovića Korčagina 72b,
Zvečka, OBRENOVAC, 11500,

Tel: +38160 3823 053