Fikac of Torma House
FIkac is great almost 2 years old male Rottweiler .
He is 66,67 cm tall and 56,57 kg weight .
Hips and Elbows result are great “HD free ED free “as genetic health test JLPP NN.
Fikac mother is most titled and showed female in Serbia 2018,2019. Her name is Josephina of Torma House.
Her picture is bellow.
Josephina is great producer.
Fakac fater is Duncan son of Eminem VH Edelsteain.
Fikac of torma house
FIkac is great almost 2 years old male Rottweiler .
He is 66,67 cm tall and 56,57 kg weight .
Hips and Elbows result are great “HD free ED free “as genetic health test JLPP NN.
Fikac mother is most titled and showed female in Serbia 2018,2019. Her name is Josephina of Torma House.
Her picture is bellow.
Josephina is great producer.
Fakac fater is Duncan son of Eminem VH Edelsteain.
Something about Fikac
Fikac is great temperament dog, big and very strong but still gentle.
Very friendly with other animals.
He grew up with my kid around.
Well socialized, like to be driven in a car. Friendly, accepting injections.
He was never sick.
There is a lot of power in his athletic constitution and condition.
Very active dog and not lazy.
Very high ball and food drive.
Check our testemonials
Drage Vukovića Korčagina 72b,
Zvečka, OBRENOVAC, 11500,
Tel: +38160 3823 053