How to buy Rottweiler puppy overseas?

Buying a dog or puppy overseas is something what is inevitable if you want buy the dog from source.
Buying a dog today become something what we can’t do it just by our self.
Asking around about some specific seller “breeder “is not something what can make us 100% safe.
Breeders or seller very often talk bad about each other and you will not get clear picture.
Also making fraud no need to be done before you, maybe you are just the first one.
Buying a dog overseas can be very stressful, it’s totally up to you, what do you really want and expect and risk you can handle.
Risk is also there around you.
I will give you few tips what you can do by yourself if you decide to buy the dog overseas.
First of all you must know that if somebody wants to fraud you it can be done very easy, money always must be sent before the dog.
The first step is to find a breeder who produce what do you like, type of the dog you like.
If you want to fallow standard and buy the dog according to it, then you must know the standard and not only to have it on your mind but you must know to see the things on the dog and compare with the standard.
This is too hard for beginner, some big long time breeders don’t know to compare standard with alive dog, so don’t be upset.
Let’s try to make this easier.
If we buy a puppy we need to look parents and their parents after we check the puppy.
If we buy young dog over seven, eight months of age it’s much easier but cost more than puppy.
Why buying seven months old dog cost more than the puppy.
1.            Costs for keeping the dog till eight months of age are bigger
2.            Eight months old dog already have formed bite, all adult teets must be there.
3.            Eight months old dog can get on your request preliminary HD hips ED elbows scores and JLPP
4.            Also you can see already form of the dog, it just can be better after training period.
We can see much more as eye color, head type, body type, legs, top line and does that dog is full of lose skin and wrinkles.
Of course we must check his pedigree as mother and father too.
This kind of dog eight months of age with all this health checks and already formed cost more than small puppy .
Two or three months old puppy is much harder to buy.
First we must be so good to see good and bad things on small puppy.
Second we must get very good videos and photos of the seller “breeder “
Here we don’t know his health results HD ED and JLPP.
Eye color is very hard to see especially over videos and photos. We can see if the eye is to light or very dark but maybe we will lose nice puppy because we are not sure on eye color.
Eye color always getting lighter on adult dog, in puppies age eye color is darker.
In case that we find good seller “honest one “we will get nice videos and photos it can help us very much.
Always ask seller to pick the puppy for you and ask him after “why you pick that one for me “?
If you can recognize the puppy form the photo or video he offered as good for you and if seller’s words about the puppy fit to the photo than I think you can trust him more than before.
I know few sellers who pick good puppies for their clients and I can say I am there between them.
Some people simply like to fraud somebody and some people think that if they sell a good puppy than good voice will spread around and bring more costumers back.
In both cases it would be good to check puppy or young dog parents.
If you want good dog, parents must be good, but still then it’s not hundred percent sure that the puppy will grow up in good dog.
Parents of your dog has many siblings and who knows how they look like.
There is story which say “after you give good care, food and supplement to your dog, it will improve something on him “. That’s simply is not true, some things as bad hair, weight and health in some level can be improved and that’s it. But things as bones, height, eye color, mouth pigmentation, broken top line, angulation and position of the legs can’t be fixed, never!
Genetic is crucial thing, small parents can’t give big dogs, bad looking parents with mistakes physically or psychically can’t give good dogs too.
Also one good one medium quality dog can give one good and one ok but rest will be bad.
Does not mean that two top dogs will give top dogs, believe or no.
This is just rough exampling what we can expect.
Educate yourself as much as you can.
To be in dog world as professional is not something what you can reach in short period of time, practical experience is more valuable than book knowledge , but these two together lead you to professionalism and its request time.
 A lot of things we can learn and do it good but something we can realize only after mistakes, mistakes can be ours or others.
There is no perfect dog, just every fault has it place and measure how heavy to the dog is.
Some mistakes we can correct with good care, food, supplements and training.  
Easiest for us as beginner is to learn disqualification heavy physically mistakes and basic good things on the dogs “type of the head, correct posture of the legs, flat top line and size of the dog ‘’.
All this you can find in standard book for the Rottweiler.

Torma House

Branko Torma FCI Rottweiler special judge . Trainer and breeder.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Great article! I really appreciate the clear and detailed insights you’ve provided on this topic. It’s always refreshing to read content that breaks things down so well, making it easy for readers to grasp even complex ideas. I also found the practical tips you’ve shared to be very helpful. Looking forward to more informative posts like this! Keep up the good work!

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