Rottweiler socialization

How to have properly socialized Rottweiler

Its never late to start work on dog socialization.
Socialization is part of the day life.
Commands as ‘’ no and come ‘’ to me present basic and most important things, but it’s not all up to command, big part takes socialization.
Socialization is most important, well socialized dog practically mean that the dog accept every kind of environment “city, traffic, vet. place, other dogs and hand touch “.
Socialization is nothing then be adaptive for very different places and situations.
We can get it on the way where we take the dog trough very different situations during day routine ‘’ jump in the car, walk through the city, in side of shop moll, parks with children and dogs around etc.. “
There is no age limit, but everything is easier with young dogs or puppies.
When I say younger dogs or puppies I don’t think that they are smarter than older dogs, its about that younger dogs did not have enough life time to feel bad experiences.
Bad experience lets say walking thought noise traffic will make dog to be scary , nervous or shy, so what we need to do first here is correction on the dog and then the dog will feel relaxed and free mind so we can start socialization.
Dogs connection bad or good feelings with the a situation , based on that the dog make experience ” good or bad “.
On our example “scary dog in traffic “ probably his owner took him direct to the heavy noise traffic place and after the dog showed fear the owner did not take him out of it or the owner did not give support maybe, actually the owner withdrew him on the leash to go further what the dog refuse.
Here we can see that the dog made bad experience on the street, it was very stressful for him and next time the for sure will not feel good and walk through the city.
What I think that the owner should have done is “ stop and not pull the dog  , take some food or toys and try to redirect his mind from stress to play but before that the owner should take the dog on lass traffic place and much more quiet and start from there ‘’.
Less bad experience situation easier to work with in future.
Rottweiler is strong dog, should have strong character and most of the thigs we should do it on time ” puppy ages ” later will be much more work with .

Torma House

Branko Torma FCI Rottweiler special judge . Trainer and breeder.

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