American,German and Serbian Rottweiler ” crucial mistakes about Rottweiler “

We heard many stories today about German Rottweiler, Serbian or American..
There is only one Rottweiler and one standard, actually two but it’s the same ADRK and FCI.
What we can see today is some moderate Rottweiler type “out of standard “and “standard breed dogs ‘’ According to the breed standard more or less fit to the breed standard”
“Moderate Rottweiler” with totally atypical shape of the head “very high and deep stop, shorter muzzle, very often with wrinkles around head, lose skin under head, fat and stretched out lips “.
Oversized body “to heavy bones , over weight body”.
In same time not enough educated market bring us today very often over angulated dogs, long body dogs, too much long or short ears , too much long legs “ but those mistakes don’t make life harder for the dog , its just about book standard.
I will tell few words about temperament “nature of the dog “.
Beside exterior “physically outside look of the dog “we have to look the dog in side of his body, his temperament or nature.
After breeding, showing, buying “moderate dog “ in most cases “dogs according to taste but not according to standard” market looking for atypical Rottweiler in exterior, in same time same market totally forgot on temperament.
Temperament is nature of the dog, and something what lead the dog through the life.
Having good looking dog in exterior without good temperament is nothing.
Bad temperament are scary or shy dogs or maybe aggressive.
Bad temperament dogs we can’t take with us everywhere and we always must adapt to his needs and what the dog can and what cant “where he feel comfortable and where no”.
As we have heavy exterior mistakes which lead us to disqualification on dog shows we have heavy temperament mistakes which is also for disqualification.
If we have a dog with disqualification mistakes we cant breed it and we cant get pedigree for the litter.
But today with political help and political shows everything can happened.
In my opinion value for breeding and making atypical dogs and reason why market like that exist its not only about breeders who produce it , major reason is because political judging put value on how the Rottweiler should not look like .

Shortly about some kind of mistakes and their consequences.
Exterior mistakes and psychologically lead us to the problems.

Physically leads to physically mistakes:

1.            Lose skin make eyelid relaxed not tight by the eye so its bring eye     infection.
2.            Too long top line, broken top line lead to too early hard life for the dog, hard and painful movement.
 3.           Bad leg position lead to uneven pleasure on pastern and also very soon it will become worst and already oversized, too much heavy dog painful movement.

Psychic mistakes leads to problem in head:

  1.        The dog can be scary and we can’t take him with us on public places “parks with other dogs, through the traffic “
  2.         If the dog is aggressive we can’t take him to the veterinary, so isn’t this enough problems?!

Torma House

Branko Torma FCI Rottweiler special judge . Trainer and breeder.

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